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Directed By: Jason Bloom
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 95 Mins
Theatrical Date: January 12, 1996
DVD Date: April 16, 2002
Plot: Bud and Doyle are two losers who are doing nothing with their lives. Both of their girlfriends are actively involved in saving the environment, but the two friends could care less about saving the Earth. One day, when a group of scientists begin a mission to live inside a "Bio-Dome" for a year without outside contact, Bud and Doyle mistakingly become part of the project themselves. The two must then learn how to protect the Earth and help the scientists complete their mission.
Aspect Ratio: Widescreen
Media Type: DVD
Quality: Unknown
IMDB Link:
Num of Discs: 1
Added: January 29, 2009 at 05:41:42 AM UTC